Latest news from the NC3Rs: April 2024
In this issue
- Deadline approaching: International 3Rs Prize
- NAMs: “Not a matter of if but of when”
- NC3Rs at Pint of Science 2024
- New survey: Phase II of the Two Species project
- Introducing the Sex Inclusive Research Framework
- Technology Partn3Ring: Present your cardiovascular 3Rs technology
- NC3Rs at SETAC Europe 2024
- Registration closing: Oncology Network launch event
- Virtual workshop: Using the Experimental Design Assistant
- THE 3R LÄND Conference 2024
- Sex as a biological variable (SABV) symposium
- Summer school on systematic reviews
Deadline approaching: International 3Rs Prize
Have you published a paper in the past three years that could have major 3Rs impacts? Wherever you are in the world, apply for the International 3Rs Prize. Scientists in any field of academia or industry are eligible, whether the 3Rs were the primary focus of your work or a secondary benefit.
This prestigious annual award consists of a £2k personal award and a £28k prize grant to further the 3Rs impact of the winning research. A £20k contribution is provided by GSK with all remaining funds, including the personal award made by the NC3Rs.
Apply by Wednesday 1 May.
NAMs: “Not a matter of if but of when”
Our latest blog explores the rising interest in and potential of new approach methodologies (NAMs). Hear from our NAMs Advisory Group as they discuss their recent paper on opportunities to embed NAMs in chemical and drug safety assessment and share their perspective on the steps needed to make NAM-based approaches the default starting position for safety decision-making, alongside our Head of Toxicology (Dr Fiona Sewell) and Head of Innovation (Dr Cathy Vickers).
NC3Rs at Pint of Science 2024
Our Pint of Science events this year feature nine scientists exploring NC3Rs-funded replacement research. From non-animal technologies in London, cardiovascular science in Manchester and cell-based approaches in Nottingham, join us to celebrate ten years of partnership with the festival and the 20-year anniversary of the launch of the NC3Rs.
- Monday 13 May, Nottingham – (Cell) culture change
- Tuesday 14 May, Manchester – Not just a bleeding heart
- Wednesday 15 May, London – How to build a body
New survey: Phase II of the Two Species project
We have launched a survey as part of our new data sharing project to review the need to use two species in regulatory toxicology studies. If your company is working with molecules following ICH M3(R2) and you would like to be involved, please get in touch with our Head of Toxicology, Dr Fiona Sewell.
Introducing the Sex Inclusive Research Framework
A new evaluation framework is available to check whether sex has been taken into account when designing and assessing in vivo research proposals.
The Sex Inclusive Research Framework (SIRF) provides “traffic light” indicators of whether a proposal has appropriately considered sex inclusion, carries some risk of sex bias or is a poorly justified single sex study. SIRF was developed by an expert working group of in vivo scientists, statisticians and research funders, led by Dr Natasha Karp from AstraZeneca and including members of the NC3Rs Experimental Design and Reporting team, Drs Nathalie Percie du Sert and Esther Pearl.
Technology Partn3Ring: Present your cardiovascular 3Rs technology
Are you looking for collaborators to further develop, validate or use a cardiovascular model or technology with 3Rs potential? Deliver a short pitch outlining your approach at our next Technology Parn3Ring webinar, a unique opportunity to connect with collaborators from a broad audience. The technology should be at prototype stage or beyond.
The cardiovascular technology webinar will be held on Wednesday 17 July, 14.00 (BST).
NC3Rs at SETAC Europe 2024
Sunday 5 May – Thursday 9 May
Seville, Spain
If you are attending the SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, please come and say hello to the NC3Rs team in attendance.
Registration closing: Oncology Network launch event
Monday 20 May, 10.00 – 17.00
Our Oncology Network aims to bring together researchers at all career stages across academia and industry to establish collaborations and catalyse the uptake of 3Rs technologies for cancer research. The launch event will give Network members the opportunity to hear about approaches that are replacing, reducing or refining the use of animals in cancer research, discuss potential future collaborations and shape Network activities and priorities.
Registration closes: Friday 3 May, 17.00.
Virtual workshop: Using the Experimental Design Assistant
Thursday 23 May 2024, 9.00 – 11.00 (BST)
Our Experimental Design Assistant (EDA) tool helps researchers at any level design robust in vivo experiments. During this interactive session Dr Esther Pearl (NC3Rs Programme Manager for Experimental Design) will give a live demonstration of the EDA before answering your questions and providing personalised feedback as you design your own experiment.
THE 3R LÄND Conference 2024
Tuesday 21 May – Thursday 23 May
Tübingen, Germany
The 3R-Center Tübingen for In vitro Models and Alternatives to Animal Testing and the Natural and Medical Sciences Institute are hosting the annual conference of the 3R-Network Baden-Württemberg with the theme 'Towards the future of biomedical and pharmaceutical research with organoid, organ-on-chip and in silico models'.
Sex as a biological variable (SABV) symposium
Wednesday 12 June – Friday 14 June
Bern, Switzerland
An international symposium dedicated to raising awareness of the SABV initiative and providing evidence-based guidance for integrating SABV into research practices. Held at the University of Bern and funded by the Swiss 3R Competence Centre and Swiss National Science Foundation, this years' symposium will focus on the theme of 'Addressing challenges and paving future steps in basic and preclinical research'.
Deadline for registration: Friday 31 May
Summer school on systematic reviews
Tuesday 20 August – Friday 23 August
Bergen, Norway
Organised by Norecopa and the University of Bergen and led by experts in systematic reviews from the University of Zurich, this summer school will explore the benefits of systematic reviews of animal studies and cover all the steps needed to perform a systematic review. Early career researchers will be given priority for registration.
Deadline for applications: Monday 1 July.
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