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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

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229 results

Details of the Rat Grimace Scale, including a poster for display in laboratory rooms and corridors.

Screenshot of the top third of the rat grimace scale poster showing the orbital tightening facial action units

Details of the Mouse Grimace Scale, including a poster for display in laboratory rooms and corridors.

Screenshot of the top third of the mouse grimace scale poster showing the orbital tightening facial action units

Information and resources on malocclusion in mice to improve welfare within a research setting.

One mouse exhibiting healthy teeth and another exhibiting unhealthy, maloccluded teeth

A video resource for introductory training on the 3Rs aimed at in vivo researchers and animal technicians.

Cover slide for the 3Rs training webinar. The title of the talk is seen in white text on a blue background - The 3Rs: Their definition, application and importance to your work.

An introduction to systematic reviews, a powerful method used to assess accumulating evidence related to a specific research question.

A stack of papers
External link

Reporting guidelines for animal experiments, and additional resources to support their use.

a physical copy of the ARRIVE guidelines

A dedicated, open access portal for our Grant holders to showcase their 3Rs research.

F1000 and NC3Rs logo on orange background

Resources on rat tickling and how it can be used to promote positive human-animal interactions.

A white rat in a clear plastic cage with wooden shavings, being tickled by a gloved hand.

Approaches for sampling blood in the hamster, covering non-surgical, surgical and terminal techniques.

Close up of a golden hamster in a cardboard tube in its home cage, with an icon of a needle and syringe on a yellow background in the corner of the image.

Approaches for sampling blood in the rabbit, covering non-surgical and terminal techniques.

Two white rabbits in an enclosure, one of which is standing on top of a shelter, with an icon of a needle and syringe on a yellow background in the corner of the image.