Projects providing guidance to reduce animal use or refine procedures within toxicology studies.

Projects providing guidance to reduce animal use or refine procedures within toxicology studies.
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: The Human In Vitro Gene Therapy Genotoxicity Testing service.
A webinar series from a cross-European group of 3Rs centres exploring the challenges and opportunities of replacing BMEs.
A webinar exploring how environmental monitoring can replace the use of sentinel animals for monitoring mouse colonies for the presence of pathogens.
Information to help refine the housing and husbandry of the laboratory hamster.
The evidence supporting the use of tunnel and cup handling to improve animal welfare and scientific outcomes (presented at AALAS 2021).
Details of the Rat Grimace Scale, including a poster for display in laboratory rooms and corridors.
Details of the Mouse Grimace Scale, including a poster for display in laboratory rooms and corridors.
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: An IVF micro microfluidic device for non-surgical embryo transfer to generate transgenic mice.
Information to help refine the housing and husbandry of the laboratory dog.
Information and resources on malocclusion in mice to improve welfare within a research setting.
A video to be used for training and education, to improve mouse welfare within a research setting.
A video resource for introductory training on the 3Rs aimed at in vivo researchers and animal technicians.
An introduction to systematic reviews, a powerful method used to assess accumulating evidence related to a specific research question.
Reporting guidelines for animal experiments, and additional resources to support their use.
An online tool to guide researchers through designing experiments involving the use of animals.
Tips to avoid common pitfalls when describing your experimental design and methodology in a funding proposal.
A dedicated, open access portal for our Grant holders to showcase their 3Rs research.
10 years of CRACK IT webinar: A physiological-competent and predictive human 3D retinal cell model.
Resources on rat tickling and how it can be used to promote positive human-animal interactions.
Approaches for sampling blood in the hamster, covering non-surgical, surgical and terminal techniques.
Approaches for sampling blood in the rabbit, covering non-surgical and terminal techniques.
Non-surgical approaches for sampling blood in the dog.
An online course created allowing you to become certified in the correct rat tickling technique.