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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

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229 results

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A dedicated website with resources for everyone who works with, or is interested in, laboratory macaques.

A macaque eating
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A webinar introducing the revised ARRIVE guidelines, the items in the ARRIVE Essential 10, and relevant resources.

The front slide of a webinar presentation by the NC3Rs' Nathalie Percie du Sert

Learn more about why the single use of needles should be standard practice and how to implement this in your facility.

A rat being injected with a hypodermic needle
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Showcasing our advice and resources designed to help researchers address the 3Rs in animal licence applications. Focused on the UK but applicable

Webinar title slide: 3Rs advice for project licence applicants
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An introduction for early career and postdoctoral researchers, applicable to both in vivo and in vitro experiments.

Title slide of webinar with photos of Dr Natasha Karp and Dr Esther Pearl
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How to recognise and prevent pain, suffering and distress in laboratory animals.

A screenshot of an e-learning module activity, with a photo of a white rat labelled with green "i" buttons to indicate where trainees can click for more information. A label reads "Body posture: the posture is normal".
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Principles and techniques for humane killing of laboratory animals.

Mice in a cage with a pipe connected to it, to be used for euthanasia.
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Post-operative pain relief for laboratory animals, including selecting and using analgesics.

A close up of an animal being injected with analgesia