Guidance for those overseeing animal research at institutions on recognising 3Rs opportunities and putting them into practice.

Guidance for those overseeing animal research at institutions on recognising 3Rs opportunities and putting them into practice.
Guidance on best practices in handling and restraint for mice, rats and other laboratory rodents.
Guidance, information and recommendations for those working with zebrafish.
Recommendations for reducing aggression between group-housed male mice.
Resources and activities around NAMs (replacement technologies used to assess drug and chemical safety).
Join our community of researchers, developers, industry and regulatory end-users working together to accelerate the use of new approach methodologies.
Learn more about what NAMs are and how they can be applied to progress the 3Rs.
Resources to help researchers initiate collaborations and share technologies to maximise the 3Rs impact of cardiovascular models.
Bringing researchers together to exchange information, support collaborations and share technologies to maximise 3Rs impacts.
NC3Rs resources for cardiovascular researchers developing 3Rs models or establishing new collaborations.
Practical advice on calculating how many matings to set up, including available breeding calculator tools.
Guidance on best practices in confirming, archiving and maintaining strains.
Answers to some of the most often asked questions on breeding and maintaining GA mouse colonies.
A high level introduction to best practice in mouse colony management, including confirming, archiving and maintaining mouse strains.
Guidance on the role of the 3Rs Champion within the research community.
Information on techniques for sampling blood in the mouse, covering non-surgical, surgical and terminal techniques.
A set of resources to support the adoption of the 3Rs in quality control and batch release testing of vaccines and biological therapeutics
Reasons for conducting a pilot study and what you can do with the results.
An e-learning course covering the evidence base for adopting refined handling methods and the practical applications.
Checklists to assist funders in assessing whether animal research conducted overseas conforms to UK welfare standards.
How funding bodies can embed the 3Rs in their peer review process, including details of our review and advice service.
Learn more about upcoming NC3Rs webinars and register via our events page.
Hear the winning and highly commended researchers present their prize-winning research.
Recommendations and guidance from an NC3Rs working group on high-yield rodent behavioural experiments focusing on fluid control and head fixation in