Advice on rehoming ex-laboratory non-human primates.

Advice on rehoming ex-laboratory non-human primates.
Things to consider when designing your animal experiments.
F0-ols Rush In: Improving reproducibility and avoiding genetic mosaicism using CRISPR/Cas9 technology.
Examples of study designs that may be used for microsampling from either main study animals or from satellite groups of animals.
Watch your Back! The importance of background strain.
A discussion on the possible impact of genetic drift on the integrity of the data from GA mouse studies
Primate sensory capabilities and communication signals: implications for care and use in the laboratory
A discussion of the animal welfare challenges around the generation of GA mice, and strategies for improving welfare.
Information to help refine the housing and husbandry of laboratory non-human primates.
Guidance on implementing positive reinforcement training methods.
General principles for welfare assessments.
Wiki on refinement of the use of chronic implants in neuroscience research using non-human primates. DISCONTINUED.
Guidelines on the use of food and fluid control in behavioural neuroscience.