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NC3Rs: National Centre for the Replacement Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research

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229 results

A webinar presenting the welfare benefits of playpens for laboratory rats and how to implement them in your facility.

Webinar title slide: Rat playpens for improved welfare

Amanda Novak (Edinburgh) presents advice on good surgical technique and refinements to incorporate into rodent stereotactic surgery procedures.

Webinar title slide: Refining rodent stereotactic surgeries

Guidelines for establishing, implementing and refining humane endpoints.

A white mouse on a technician's gloved hands
External link

10 years of CRACK IT webinar: TaiNi, a small and ultra lightweight wireless EEG recording device.

The CRACK IT 10 logo superimposed over a photo of the TaiNi wireless EEG recording device in a caliper

Dr Megan LaFollette (NA3RsC) presents rat tickling as a positive handling technique and provides guidance on putting it into practice.

Webinar title slide: Tickling rats for improved welfare

How magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is contributing to the 3Rs in neuroscience studies involving non-human primates.

A macaque looking to its left

Guidance on choosing the appropriate anesthesia for laboratory animals, including links to further resources.

Image of a mouse under anaesthesia.

A flyer providing tips in English, Spanish, French and German, as well as links to further resources.

Front cover of the "Rat Tickling Basics" flyer