Development and disease modelling in engineered vascular tissues Principal Investigator: Professor Manuel Mayr, Imperial College London PhD Studentship
A microfluidic human 'pelvis-on-a-chip' model to study ascending urinary tract infection Principal Investigator: Professor Jennifer Rohn, University College London PhD Studentship
Identification of the molecular and cellular mechanisms driving cardiac fibrosis: A novel ex vivo approach to target identification and validation Principal Investigator: Dr Lee Borthwick, Newcastle University PhD Studentship
Bioreactors to Replace Animal Testing in Bone Research Principal Investigator: Dr Richard van Arkel, Imperial College London PhD Studentship
Replacing sentinel animals with environmental health monitoring Current contact: Dr Khia Dobbinson Office-led project
Cell based assay for tetanus vaccine and antitoxin production Principal Investigator: Professor Andrew Peden, University of Sheffield Project grant
Assessment of an in vitro acute lymphoblastic leukaemia model for high-throughput arrayed CRISPR screening Principal Investigator: Dr Deepali Pal, University of Bristol Technologies to tools grant
Adopting ClonoScreen-3D, a high-performance 3D drug-radiation screening platform for CRISPR campaigns towards the identification of novel targets for radiosensitisation in glioblastoma Principal Investigator: Dr Natividad Gomez-Roman, University of Strathclyde Technologies to tools grant
Review of the value of urinalysis assessments in toxicity studies Current contact: Dr Fiona Sewell Office-led project
Review of the use of two species in regulatory toxicology studies: Phase II - molecules following ICH M3(R2) Office-led project
Establishment of the thermotolerant Arabian killifish as a model for infection studies Principal Investigator: Dr Tetsuhiro Kudoh, University of Exeter Project grant
Thyroid Tox: Developing a QSAR and molecular docking tool to predict thyroid receptor-mediated human endocrine disruption Contractor: Dr Paul Thomas, KREATiS CRACK IT Challenge
Virtual Second Species: Applying advanced computational and mathematical modelling approaches to develop a suite of virtual dog tissues and organs to model toxicological endpoints for new chemical entities Contractor: Dr Stephan Schaller, esqLABS GmbH CRACK IT Challenge
A novel approach for modelling the healthy nose-brain axis in vitro Principal Investigator: Professor Róisín Owens, University of Cambridge Project grant
A high-throughput spheroid fusion platform for the templated-assembly of 3D neuromuscular junctions Principal Investigator: Dr Fabrice Gielen, University of Exeter Project grant
A human ex vivo model of haemostasis: A replacement for rodent tail bleeding assays Principal Investigator: Dr Sarah Jones, Manchester Metropolitan University Project grant
Human organoid model to generate mucosal immune cell populations Principal Investigator: Dr Joana Neves, King's College London Project grant
Engineering circadian biology into induced pluripotent stem cell organ-on-a-chip models Principal Investigator: Professor David Lee, Queen Mary University of London Project grant
Establishment of a cryo-bank of lineage-committed neural progenitor cells produced from engineered human pluripotent stem cells Principal Investigator: Professor Tilo Kunath, University of Edinburgh Project grant
Advanced human pluripotent stem cell kidney organoid model for investigating development and disease Principal Investigator: Professor Sue Kimber, University of Manchester Project grant