Organ-on-a-chip model of pulmonary arterial cell-cell interactions Principal Investigator: Dr Beata Wojciak-Stothard, Imperial College London Project grant
Implementing an MEA platform in human neurones for studying age-related neural network dysfunction and testing dietary interventions Principal Investigator: Dr Robert Williams, University of Bath Project grant
Epithelial barrier model: in silico modelling and high throughput assessment Principal Investigator: Dr Malgorzata Wiench, University of Birmingham Project grant
Optimising human stem cell models to decipher signals and responses during organogenesis Principal Investigator: Professor Jennifer Nichols, University of Edinburgh Project grant
Mapping mitochondrial contact sites during neuronal ageing and neurodegeneration in Drosophila Principal Investigator: Dr Alessio Vagnoni, King's College London PhD Studentship
Local immunosuppression to improve the welfare of animals in neural transplantation experiments Principal Investigator: Dr Victoria Roberton, University College London Partnerships and impact awards
Development of novel tools to assay haematopoietic stem cell activity ex vivo Principal Investigator: Professor Marella de Bruijn, University of Oxford PhD Studentship
RoboHog: developing an in vitro gut model system of the porcine hindgut Principal Investigator: Dr Anthony Buckley, University of Leeds Project grant
Developing a lung organoid signalome for real-time analysis of senescence-associated cellular cross talk Principal Investigator: Dr Alison John, Imperial College London Project grant
A platform to investigate multi-tissue crosstalk mediated by exercise induced soluble factors released from human skeletal muscle Principal Investigator: Professor Mark Lewis, Loughborough University Project grant
A novel in silico framework for early mammalian embryo development Principal Investigator: Dr David Richards, University of Exeter Project grant
Developing a next generation in vitro 3D immune organoids system for studying vaccine-induced immune response and immune-ageing across the life-course Principal Investigator: Dr Qibo Zhang, University of Surrey Project grant
Understanding mechanisms driving lung disease caused by environmental particulate matter Principal Investigator: Dr Nicholas Hannan, University of Nottingham Project grant
SAFE: Developing a suite of innovative bioassays to replace in vivo fish studies in chemical safety screening and regulatory environmental risk assessment. Contractor: Dr Stephan Fischer, aQuaTox-Solutions GmbH CRACK IT Challenge
Development of an in vitro system that mimics B and T helper cell responses in porcine lymph nodes Principal Investigator: Dr Wilhelm Gerner, The Pirbright Institute Project grant
Study of human late fetal lung tissue and 3D in vitro organoids to replace and reduce animals in lung developmental research Principal Investigator: Dr Marko Nikolić, University College London PhD Studentship
A high-throughput-compatible animal-cell-free miniaturised thymic organoid model for thymus biology studies and in vitro T cell production Principal Investigator: Professor Clare Blackburn, University of Edinburgh Project grant
Production of a Human Growth Plate Organ-Chip Model of Skeletal Development Principal Investigator: Professor Martin Knight, Queen Mary University of London Project grant
In vitro digestibility - reducing animal use whilst meeting the demand to evaluate alternative proteins Principal Investigator: Professor John Brameld, University of Nottingham Project grant
Developing a complex in vitro airway model to study respiratory viral pathogenesis, lung macrophage function and herpesviral vaccine vectors in pigs Principal Investigator: Dr Gyorgy Fejer, University of Plymouth Project grant